Goings-on of the Toronto Rabin Family and their friends.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Our New Arrival

Bamboo. Hatched October 28th 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Hee, hee...

My beloved twister playing family arrives from the UK tomorrow. Oh, the Glamour of Air Travel! Hopefully, there flight will not be delayed by 30 hours as mine was. I did, however, get to visit Manchester, something I had never done before except from the comfort of my couch.

Who's is Charming Who, While Sophie Looks on From A Very Good Height

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I Really Do Think The Shark is Getting a Bad Rap Here

Spot the Difference

How The Mighty Have Grown: David and Rafaella

Yes. I Damn Well Miss Them!!!

David is now 6.

It seems such a long time ago that he was born. I can remember Harry looking at David as if to say, why did you bring home one of those when not only am I self-cleaning, I am also furry.

While am sorry to have missed David's actual birthday, we will have another, even grander one on his return this Friday. It may be a disaster, but we bought him a drum kit!

Perhaps not the best action shot of David, but just notice the angle on those flames!

Sophie blames the unseasonably wet weather for her bad hair day.

Twister no less. And who's missing in all these shots? Me.

To quote David and Sophie, 'two sleeps' until we are reunited.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Action shot ...

Meg and David get cozy; Max is oblivious but Keeley isn't. Posted by Picasa

Daddy's girl!

Daddy turns up just in time to have some cake, and Sophie is thrilled. Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday, Sophie!

She's just thrilled to be blowing out those four candles on her birthday cake! Posted by Picasa

Big brother is a good sport!

David and Jack desperately try to look cool in their pink party hats. You just have to take your hat off to them for getting into the spirit of the party! Posted by Picasa

Sophie is the Belle of the Ball

She's four year's old and loving it! Here she is at her party, with shocking pink hair and face make-up. The smile says everything. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Sunday, February 04, 2007